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Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy should I advertise my business in the yellow pages?
The most popular way to find a service or business on a local level in the US is by far the yellow pages. “Let your fingers do the walking” says it all. If you think don’t use the yellow pages that much, just put it in a cupboard somewhere out of reach for a month and see how many times you reach for it. If you are in a service business (i.e., carpet cleaning, plumbing, carpentry) or a contractor, you’ll get tons of calls from the yellow pages. By the time a person gets to the yellow pages, they are already sold; they are looking for the place to buy or the service to be provided.
Do I need to create my own ad or can someone help me?
We have professional graphic artists contracted with us to provide the very best advertisement for your particular business. This is included with the price of your ad at no additional charge.
Can I make payments for my advertisement?
We will gladly make arrangements for payments. We take all major credit/debit cards as well as accept payments by cash, check, Square and Venmo. However, all payments are due in full by Oct 31, 2023.
I only have a mobile phone for my business. How do I get my phone number listed in the phone book?
We offer a variety of advertising packages starting as low as $65.00 per year, to ensure your business is properly represented.
When is the deadline to advertise my business?
The final deadline for the 2024 edition is Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
How are the books distributed?
Our directory is now sent to every residence and business in the greater Tehachapi area by the USPS EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) program. Our books are available at key high traffic locations in the area throughout the year. A few examples are: Tehachapi Visitor Center, Kohnen’s Bakery, Witt’s Office Supply and Bear Valley Market.
How can I make sure my phone number is NOT listed?
Call your phone service provider and instruct them that you want an unlisted number. There may be a charge for this.
How many books are distributed each year?
Just over 16,000 books.
Why should I place my ad long before the advertising deadline?
For several reasons. First of all, you will qualify for early pay discounts, as well as other discount offers if you place your display ad early. In addition, you can make your payments in order to receive all discounts available. Finally, you will be able to proof your ads as needed to make sure no mistakes have been made.
Why is my phone number not listed in the white pages?
Listings are purchased from AT&T each year to make sure they are up to date. AT&T only provides listings from AT&T and Spectrum. If you have a different phone service provider, or a mobile phone, you will not be listed in the white pages.
Why is my business phone number in the yellow pages in the book, but not online?
Good question! Only paying advertisers appear online. For as little as $65 per year, your business listing will appear both online and in print. Call us today to advertise 661-822-8101 or contact us here.
More Information
Ready to start advertising your business? Here are our rates and other helpful information about advertising in Tehachapi’s Favorite Phone Book. Click the links below to access printable versions of this info.